Pipins Dogma

Here’s a fabulously unique new release from Pipins called Dogma.  Its unique lines leave this intense fashion decision to your interpretation.  The bold shape reminded me of a free spirited bird, perched high on a bridge, getting ready to fly away into the wind… Dress: Pipins– Dogma Hair: Shag– Sylph- kitten Earrings: Mandala– Senjyu Shoes:Continue reading “Pipins Dogma”

Sassy and a Fab Pair of Boots!

Ladies, this brand new sweater dress from Koketka is sure to keep your body warm in these cold winter months…. and yet still show off the great pair of legs that all of our avatars have.  (Thank goodness for brilliant digital DNA!)  This dress also includes the shown belt!  I really wanted to show youContinue reading “Sassy and a Fab Pair of Boots!”

My Precious and Caroline’s

I wanted to show a new favorite outfit of mine from My Precious, called Dolly.  It actually comes in various colored pants and even a style with a skirt.  I loved this design, svelte, high waisted pants with a very feminine lacy top.  Beautiful mix! I’m also showing a new necklace design from Caroline’s, calledContinue reading “My Precious and Caroline’s”

A Week in the Making…

I started this one week ago…. before my power went out in New England.  Thankfully, I saved the draft.  lol.  I’ll be short on words, but this sexy little number from Rock Me Amadeus is so hot, it made the lights come back on.  😉 Dress: Rock Me Amadeus Amanda red Belt: je suis… iconiqueContinue reading “A Week in the Making…”